Get involved
Developments of The Birdsong Project will happen as funds allow. Donations will go towards planting, walking tracks, park benches and picnic tables, signage, predator traps and ongoing maintenance. If you would like to support The Birdsong Project, you can deposit directly into the following bank account.
The Birdsong Trust Board: 01-0877-0842351-00
We are a registered Charitable Trust. Donations are tax deductible and receipts are available on request. If you would like a receipt, please email theteam@thebirdsongtrust.com
If you would like to join our community planting days and working bees, sign up as a volunteer to receive information about these or check the events page for dates.
Spread the Word
Keep up to date with what we are doing and tell your friends and family about the Birdsong Project. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself.