
Planting for 2024 Wraps Up

The Birdsong Project at the Scargill Domain received a significant planting boost last Saturday afternoon. More than 500 native plants went in the ground thanks to 13 volunteers, marking the end of the planting season as spring conditions arrive.

Scargill Domain now boasts nearly 4000 new plants in total, 2000 going into the ground each winter. A tremendous effort supported by a great team of locals. In addition, the Hurunui Weedbusters have dedicated time to the Project to weed out the broom and gorse plants, which have established due to stock no longer grazing the area.

A hearty lunch was provided by the Birdsong Project Trust.

25 September 2024 - HDC

New season brings to life full scope of Hurunui’s Birdsong Project

Date: 14 Dec 2023 - HDC News items

Hurunui Council’s Water and Land coordinator Rima Herber (far right) and Birdsong co-chair Dave Nicholls (second left) guide Hurunui Mayor Marie Black and councillors on a tour of the Birdsong Project in the Scargill-Motunau Reserve at Greta Valley.

A new season is bringing to life the full scope of Hurunui’s Birdsong ecological restoration project.

Hurunui Mayor Marie Black and Hurunui’s councillors visited the site recently with Council’s Water and Land coordinator Rima Herber and Birdsong Co-chair Dave Nicholls to view progress since planting began this winter.

Hurunui District Mayor Marie Black says the project’s progress is testament to the community’s ownership of the project, which was launched in April this year.

“It’s only by going out and seeing the full scope of what is being done that you can get a comprehensive sense of what has been achieved. The planting season has now ended with 2,000 plants put in the ground, all through volunteering over nine planting days.”

Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury) donated over 1,000 plants for this year’s planting season.

A philanthropic donation of $100,000 towards the project allowed planting, fencing and administrative duties to be fast-tracked.

The project on the Scargill Motunau Reserve aims to eventually restore more than 10 hectares of land back to native vegetation and to bring back the abundant birdlife that the area previously supported.

Council’s Water and Land coordinator will work with the project’s ecologist and the Birdsong Trust on plans for the next three years, which will include 8,000 plants, tracks, bridges, a trapping programme, work on the website and data collection.

“Community ownership of the reserve has a proud history,” says Mayor Black. “Walking through the site, it was impressive to see the oak forest, extensive redwoods and conifers that have been planted over the years, and it’s rewarding to see the native planting as an extension to these.”

Hurunui Council’s Water and Land coordinator Rima Herber (far right) and Birdsong co-chair Dave Nicholls (second left) guide Hurunui Mayor Marie Black and councillors on a tour of the Birdsong Project in the Scargill-Motunau Reserve at Greta Valley.

Website Launch for Birdsong Project

26 July 2023

The proof of strong community backing for the Birdsong Project in the Scargill Motunau Recreational Reserve was illustrated by the good number of volunteers contributing their time and energy at the two planting days held recently.

On one Sunday in July, 26 local volunteers gathered at the Reserve, putting 200 plants in the ground and lending their hand to other jobs, adding to the 160 that were planted a couple of weeks earlier.

The volunteers said a favourite part of the day was people of all ages joining in, from youngsters who enjoyed the learning experience, to more senior members of the community who had planted trees in the Reserve 50 years ago.

Co-Chair of Birdsong Trust and local farmer Jo Loe said much care has been taken to only plant species that would have flourished in the landscape before humans arrived, creating a place where birds and other native ‘critters’ will thrive, and people will be able to connect with nature in ways that are meaningful and enjoyable.

The Project’s website, has been launched, to provide information about The Birdsong Trust and developments. It has information about the species that have been planted, the Reserve, plans the Trust has for the future, and much more.

Loe said the website will be constantly evolving, a place she hopes people and enthusiasts will keep going back to.

“We have been extremely luck to have expertise within this group to reap such valuable resources.”

Local art-talent James Fraser created the website’s logo, based around the icon of a Kereru sitting atop a spade.

“He said the spade represented community invovlelment, and the Kereru the possible result of this great community effort.”

Hurunui District Council’s Land and Water coordinator Rima Herber has been helping out at the planting days and offering advice about biodiversity. She described the Council’s Reserve as the perfect home for such a wonderful community investment, a beautiful destination with tracks though mature oak and redwood forests, extensive stands of various conifers, and a view point across the Scargill Valley to the mountaiins beyond.

“There is the hope to get thousands of plants in the ground,” said Herber.

A big planting day will be on Sunday August 13th, starting at 9:30am. A BBQ lunch will be provided

6 July 2023

On a cool winter’s afternoon, twenty or so community members from around the Scargill-Greta Valley area, came together to begin planting at The Birdsong Project, in the Scargill Motunau Recreational Reserve. This well-loved reserve has hundreds of well-established exotic trees, including two oak forests as well as redwoods and other conifers, which were planted over the last 50 years.

Some of the local community who helped plant those trees, decades ago, were present to help plant this next stage of planting, which is the beginning of a huge project to restore the stream-wetland complex in the reserve. With the help of a generous philanthropic donation, the plan is to introduce indigenous biodiversity to the reserve, creating habitat for birds and other native fauna, as well as enhancing the waterway so that it can be enjoyed by people who visit the reserve. A trust is being formed to guide the project.

A small area of natives was planted out around 10 years ago, and Thursday’s planting effort was to complement the existing natives, with a wide range of species that would have occupied this landscape before human intervention.

The Birdsong Project is under the ecological guidance of Sue McGaw and Rima Herber. The plants for the July 6th Planting Day (31 species and 180 plants) were supplied by Gough’s nurseries.

Visit for information on upcoming events, news coverage of the project, intriguing background information on the history of the Reserve, information on our long-term vision and more.

Wetland restoration gets a boost

20 April, 2023 - Hurunui District Council

Scargill Motunau Reserve will soon be home to Hurunui District’s largest wetland restoration project, and a generous private donation will significantly help its cause.

Currently penned ‘The Birdsong Project,’ this major ecological restoration has scope to eventually restore more than five hectares of land which included 1.7 kilometres of stream wetland, to native vegetation and also return adjacent flat areas to a native forest.

Hurunui District Council’s (HDC) Water and Land Coordinator Rima Herber said the name of the restoration and the total wetland area will be subject to the community’s wishes, and re-creating a native forest to the site will be a multi-generational effort.

“If the clock was wound back a few hundred years, there was a podocarp forest here (totora, matai, kahikatea).”

A philanthropic fund of $100,000 in the Project’s back pocket means planting, fencing and administrative duties can be significantly fast tracked.

“This wetland will create an environment rich in native bird, plant, insect, fish and freshwater species,” said Herber, who is particularly excited about re-creating what would have existed many years ago.

The Reserve already has extensive exotic plantings of conifers, redwoods, deciduous trees and a large oak forest.

Wetland planting will begin this winter, with Environment Canterbury donating 7000 natives, mainly three varieties of carex.

The initial focus area will be the area closest to the sports grounds and hall, and further developments will happen as the community is consulted.

It will be a busy winter for planting, fencing, rabbit control and administration, with the fund providing the ability to employ people for some of these roles.

Herber said on average the goal is to establish about 4000 plants each year, with eco-sourced plants (following current scientifically-backed best-practice) from local nurseries, including the newly established nursery at Hurunui College.

Involving local schools and community groups to plant and maintain the wetland will be a key component.

“Although this is a Council Reserve, we need the community to know that this is their project, designed to accommodate their wishes and priorities.”

The Birdsong Project will need more funding in the project to achieve its full potential, which will be applied for through various funding avenues in future years.

“There are locals who are keen to help, and that is wonderful, but much of the hard work will be done by contractors because we are in the fortunate position to have some funds available.”

Local ecologist, Sue McGaw, will be the ecological lead on the project.

Jo Loe, secretary of Scargill Motunau Recreation Reserve Committee, will be instrumental in forming a group of locals to help run The Birdsong Project.

The Reserve is currently home to a sports pavilion, golf course, tennis and squash courts, a bowling green, a cricket field, a walkway and six freedom camping sites.

There is also a 52-hectare working farm which is used to graze breeding ewes, meaning native plants like tussocks are still present, and there are very few weed issues.

The Committee pays clubs affiliated with the Reserve to run the farm, which doubles up as a good income stream and the ability to be mostly self-sufficient.

“We need to maintain a good balance between farmland and the restoration project, as the working farm means less demand on the rate payer to operate the Reserve’s facilities,” said Loe.

Willows have been removed from much of the Reserve’s stream, so the wetland has a part to play in enhancing the waterway.

“We have a responsibility to look after this Reserve, to honour the efforts of those before us.”

There are also plans for a picnic and swimming area.

Tapping into some local community energy and interest will be important, and while voluntary help will be welcomed, Loe recognises that people only have so much time and energy available.

“Which is why this generous donation is so welcomed by this community.”

Mayor Marie Black says the wetland will be a special site to add to the District’s list, another area where locals and visitors can make a point of stopping off to appreciate what Hurunui naturally has to offer.

“Having the native wetland restored in the heart of the District will enhance this community space, and offer further opportunity for enjoyment and learning,” said Mayor Black.


  • Wetland restoration supports the government’s commitments and objectives under the Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, the Emissions Reduction Plan and the National Adaptation Plan, as well as HDC’s obligations under the International RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands.

Benefits of wetlands (from RAMSAR Wetlands)

  • Revive biodiversity. Most of NZ’s wetlands have been drained, there are very few well-functioning wetlands in the Hurunui, and even fewer where the public has access.

  • Replenish and filter water supply. We will be getting base-line water quality data so that we will be able to monitor improvements in water quality.

  • Store carbon. The wetland itself and the forests to be planted will be carbon-sinks.

  • Blunt the impact of storms and floods.

  • Boost tourism. This Reserve deserves to be visited more by locals and tourists alike.

  • Enhance well-being. Both in the people who visit the wetland as well as those directly involved in the restoration.

  • Improved livelihoods. Mahinga kai (resources used by Māori, including food such as tuna, and flax) could be collected from this area once restored. We will be providing employment for locals.

A place from the heart

A wetland reserve is on the horizon for Scargill, requiring community effort which the locals are looking forward to.

The immediate goal of the Birdsong Project is to restore 700 metres of the 1.7 kilometre wetland stream in the Scargill Motunau Reserve, back to native vegetation. This includes a three kilometre loop track.

Last Thursday evening at Scargill Pavilion nearly 20 people attended the inaugural community meeting, where they shared ideas about what this natural area should look like, and how it can be achieved.

Local Scargill resident Dave Nicholls chaired the meeting, who’s been enjoying the Reserve for half a century thanks to tennis club involvement and family recreation.

“I think this could be a great inspiration for the whole area,” said Nicholls, as he showed the audience his hand-drawn sketch of the stream detailing proposed planted areas and rest spots, a result of a recent group walkaround where people identified what naturally felt like suitable places for seats and group plantings.

A philanthropic fund of $100,000 has been donated to the Project, meaning planting, fencing, some paid work and administrative duties can now be significantly fast tracked.

Nicholls is in the process of setting up a charitable trust, regular meetings with trustees and volunteers as a way to ensure work will happen gradually and surely.

“Initially the plan is to have just enough work to get everyone started, not to exhaust the volunteer efforts.”

Nicholls’ charitable trust application focuses on providing an indigenous ecosystem through the partial involvement of volunteers, inclusivity and encouragement through the community, education opportunities for the community and schoolchildren, and a multi-generational asset.

History and information boards were also noted as an idea.

“The Birdsong Project is about having a place where people can come together, and inspire local landowners to do the same at their place,” said Nicholls, noting that one immediate neighbour who has extensively planted out some land in toetoe, which looks great.

Within the 52 hectare Reserve there is a sports pavilion, golf course, tennis and squash courts, a bowling green, a cricket field, a walkway, six freedom camping sites, and a working farm which is used to graze breeding ewes.

So far, five places have been identified for seated areas and planted areas, focussed around rock outcrops, sheltered twists and turns on the track, and alongside the TiPapa Stream. Willows were removed from the Reserve in January, leaving plenty of areas to develop.

Feedback from those attending the meeting included looking forward to cleaner waterways again with the removal of the willows, seeing an abundance of birdlife, having a place their children can collect cockabillies, and taking time to ensure the right plants are planted in the right place.

Environment Canterbury has donated 6000 wetland plants, mainly three varieties of carex.

The gully is known for its cooler temperatures, so locking in a start date for planting will be a priority, the eventual goal to establish about 4000 plants each year through eco-sourcing, and nurseries including a newly established one at Hurunui College.

“The main thing is to make a start.”

The Project, still in the planning stage, aims in the next few years restore more than five hectares of land to native vegetation, including some areas of native forest.

Local ecologist Sue McGaw said within the wetland area there are so many interesting pockets, with so much potential.

As lead ecologist, her advice for successful planting was “looking at nature, and copying it,’ which means looking around local roads and properties and seeing what is growing well.

At the beginning of a project McGaw admitted things can seem overwhelming, her advice was to just choose a 10 metre by 10 metre patch, prepare that ground, and start planting and developing.

“And it’s very important that after your work session, you take a moment to enjoy the area – maybe sitting by your favourite rock, down by the creek, or going for walk around the track.”

As far as volunteering goes, McGaw said there is a job for everybody.

“It’s important to enjoy it together, from picking up sticks to digging holes, it’s a matter of just turning up to the working bees.”

Hurunui District Council’s (HDC) Water and Land Coordinator Rima Herber is working closely with the community, and believes without the great work of the Reserve Committee over the years, none of this would be possible.

“It’s great when the decisions come from your heart, not from a piece of paper.”

She thoroughly enjoyed the track walk recently, taking her time to see what fitted naturally where.

“It’s fantastic to see the community so delighted and engaged in this venture, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how it develops throughout the year.”

Photo: Members of Birdsong trust and neighbours plan track work.

  • Wetland restoration supports the government’s commitments and objectives under the Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, the Emissions Reduction Plan and the National Adaptation Plan, as well as HDC’s obligations under the International RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands.

Local News Articles

Birdsong to return to wetland - North Canterbury News

June 2023

Trust members and neighbours planning new track.


A top priority is to create a track on the east/north side of the stream for access. Community members have offered help in the form of digger work, gravel and concrete bridges. The photo shows initial planning meeting on the 7th of June, deciding on the route the track will take and how to get the machinery there, considering the steepness of the terrain.